Our salute to Sdr Amri, you have made thousands of "normal" people ashamed.

Myanmar military government can tolerate demonstrations for two weeks while Malaysia is a democratic nation cannot even allow a peaceful gathering.
Shame on you, PM Abdullah Bin Ahmad Badawi. Don't "cabar rakyat", your PM post is given by the rakyat.
FRU with tear gas launcher is an image you have projected to the international community.

4pm: The Bersih delegation led by Anwar Ibrahim handed the memorandum to the King’s secretary at the gate of the Istana Negara. Anwar is accompanied by PAS’ Hadi Awang and Nasharuddin Mat Isa and DAP’s Lim Kit Siang and Lim Guan Eng. The organisers are asking the 40,000-strong crowd to disperse. Nasharuddin describes the event as a resounding success.
3:41pm: Polis mula bertindak menahan peserta perhimpunan dengan 13 orang setakat ini dilaporkan ditahan di Dataran Merdeka. Wartawan Harakah Azamin Amin melaporkan, polis mula menyerbu orang ramai untuk menahan sesiapa sahaja terutamanya mereka yang berpaiakan kuning. Keadaan semakin kelam-kabut dan polis mengambil kesempatan menahan secara rambang tidak kira siapa sahaja. Setakat ini polis berpakaian preman digunakan bagi menahan sesiapa sahaja yang melintas, berada atau menyusuri jalan sekitar Dataran Merdeka, Pertama Komplek, Jalan Masjid India dan Masjid Jamek.
3.30pm: Seven members of Bersih will be allowed to go to the gate to hand in the memorandum calling for the King’s intervention in bringing poll reforms. The delegation is waiting for ex-deputy premier Anwar Ibrahim to arrive. He was caught in the traffic jam and has opted to travel by motorbike.
3.22 pm: Two helicopters were hovering on top of protestors who had arrived at Palace gate - intimidating indeed! Finally, they have arrived but everyone’s wet from the rain and chemical spray.
3.12pm: There is a stand-off between the 40,000 crowd and 150 riot police -backed by water cannon trucks - about 100 meters from the Istana Negara.
2.45 pm the March is ON, on their way towards the Palace!
2.15 pm: Cops having road blocks at Sg.Buloh/Kepong toll leading to Sierramas and LDP……..I wonder who pays the salries of these cops……..what a shame…
2.10pm: The police fire chemical laced water cannon at 1,000 protestors in Masjid Jamek, near the LRT station.
Latest Bersih gathering news can be found at
The picture gallery can be found at
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